Dan Chui
Happy Bytes

JavaScript Fundamentals: Data Types

JavaScript Fundamentals: Data Types
1 min read
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Let's examine Data Types.

Data Types

There are 7 Primitive Data Types

Number: Floating point numbers. Used for decimals and integers

let age = 28;

String: A sequence of characters. Used for text.

let firstName = 'Dan';

Boolean: A logical type that is either true OR false. Used for making decisions.

let fullName = true;

Undefined: An ('empty value') that is taken by a variable and not yet defined.

let happy;

Null: An 'empty value'.

let a = null;
//Output: null

Symbol: A value that is unique and cannot be changed.

let sym = Symbol.for('happy');

BigInt: Much larger integers than what the Number type can hold.

let bigInt = 1n;